addPrintStream(PrintStream) - Method in interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamed
Adds the specified print stream to this object's print streams.
addPrintStream(PrintStream) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.BasicPrintStreamed
Adds the specified print stream to this object's print streams.


BasicPrintStreamed - class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.BasicPrintStreamed.
A basic implementation of the PrintStreamed interface.
BasicPrintStreamed() - Constructor for class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.BasicPrintStreamed
Constructs a new instance of AbstractPrintStreamed.


com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli - package com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli
Command - interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.Command.
Marker interface defining a command.


DescribeCommand - class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.DescribeCommand.
Provides logic for executing a command to describe a table, and to handle the results.
DescribeCommand() - Constructor for class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.DescribeCommand
Constructs a new instance of DescribeCommand.


ExceptionHandler - interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.ExceptionHandler.
Defines operations for handling an exception.
execute() - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.UpdateCommand
Executes the command, handling the results.
execute() - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.ShowTablesCommand
Executes this command. Results are handled by the configured result set extractor.
execute() - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.SelectCommand
Executes this command. Results are handled by the configured result set extractor.
execute() - Method in interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.RowcountHandlingCommand
Executes this command.
execute() - Method in interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.ResultSetExtractingCommand
Executes this command.
execute() - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.DescribeCommand
Executes this command. Results are handled by the configured result set extractor.
execute() - Method in interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.Command
Executes this command.
extractData(ResultSet) - Method in interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.ResultSetExtractor
Extracts data from the result set.
extractData(ResultSet) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedShowTablesResultSetExtractor
Extracts data from the result set. Implementing classes are expected to step through each row of the result set and handle the rows as desired.
extractData(ResultSet) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedResultSetExtractor
Extracts data from the result set. Implementing classes are expected to step through each row of the result set and handle the rows as desired.
extractData(ResultSet) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedDescribeResultSetExtractor
Extracts data from the result set. Implementing classes are expected to step through each row of the result set and handle the rows as desired.


handleException(Exception) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedExceptionHandler
Handles the specified exception.
handleException(Exception) - Method in interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.ExceptionHandler
Handles the specified exception.
handleRowcount(int) - Method in interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.UpdateRowcountHandler
Handles the rowcount from the SQL update query.
handleRowcount(int) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedUpdateRowcountHandler
Handles the rowcount from the SQL update query. This includes any non-SELECT statements.


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.SqlCli
Runs the program with the specified command line arguments.


parseArguments(String[]) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.SqlCli
Parses the command line arguments.
print(String) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.BasicPrintStreamed
Prints the specified line to this object's print streams.
println(String) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.BasicPrintStreamed
Prints the specified line to this object's print streams.
PrintStreamed - interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamed.
Defines operations for adding and removing print streams for an object to print to.
PrintStreamedDescribeResultSetExtractor - class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedDescribeResultSetExtractor.
An implementation of the ResultSetExtractor that writes the results of a describe command to the provided print streams.
PrintStreamedDescribeResultSetExtractor() - Constructor for class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedDescribeResultSetExtractor
Constructs a new instance of PrintStreamedDescribeResultSetExtractor.
PrintStreamedExceptionHandler - class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedExceptionHandler.
Implementation of ExceptionHandler that writes exception details to the object's print streams.
PrintStreamedExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedExceptionHandler
Constructs a new instance of PrintStreamedExceptionHandler.
PrintStreamedResultSetExtractor - class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedResultSetExtractor.
Implementation of ResultSetExtractor that writes the result set to the object's print streams.
PrintStreamedResultSetExtractor() - Constructor for class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedResultSetExtractor
Constructs a new instance of PrintStreamedResultSetExtractor.
PrintStreamedShowTablesResultSetExtractor - class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedShowTablesResultSetExtractor.
Implemention of ResultSetExtractor that writes the results of a show tables command to the object's print streams.
PrintStreamedShowTablesResultSetExtractor() - Constructor for class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedShowTablesResultSetExtractor
Constructs a new instance of PrintStreamedShowTablesResultSetExtractor.
PrintStreamedUpdateRowcountHandler - class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedUpdateRowcountHandler.
Implementation of UpdateRowcountHandler that writes the rowcount to the object's print streams.
PrintStreamedUpdateRowcountHandler() - Constructor for class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedUpdateRowcountHandler
Constructs a new instance of PrintStreamedUpdateRowcountHandler.


removePrintStream(PrintStream) - Method in interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamed
Removes the specified print stream to this object's print streams.
removePrintStream(PrintStream) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.BasicPrintStreamed
Removes the specified print stream to this object's print streams.
ResultSetExtractingCommand - interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.ResultSetExtractingCommand.
Defines operations for a command that handles the result set with a configurable extractor.
ResultSetExtractor - interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.ResultSetExtractor.
Defines the operations for extracting data from a result set.
RowcountHandlingCommand - interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.RowcountHandlingCommand.
Defines operations for an update command that handle the resulting row count.
run() - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.SqlCli
Runs the program logic.


SelectCommand - class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.SelectCommand.
Performs a select command and handles the results.
SelectCommand() - Constructor for class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.SelectCommand
Constructs a new instance of SelectCommand.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.ResultSetExtractor
Sets the attribute value with the specified key.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedShowTablesResultSetExtractor
Sets the attribute value with the specified key.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedDescribeResultSetExtractor
Sets the attribute value with the specified key.
setCommand(String) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.UpdateCommand
Sets the SQL command to be executed.
setCommand(String) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.SelectCommand
Sets the SQL select command for this command to execute.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.UpdateCommand
Sets the connection for this command.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.ShowTablesCommand
Sets the connection for this command.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.SelectCommand
Sets the connection for this command.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.DescribeCommand
Sets the connection to be used to execute this command.
setDatabaseMetaData(DatabaseMetaData) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedShowTablesResultSetExtractor
Sets the database metadata for use by this instance.
setExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.UpdateCommand
Sets the exception handler for this command.
setExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.ShowTablesCommand
Sets the exception handler for this command.
setExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.SelectCommand
Sets the exception handler for this command.
setExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler) - Method in interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.RowcountHandlingCommand
Sets the exception handler for this command.
setExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler) - Method in interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.ResultSetExtractingCommand
Sets the exception handler for this command.
setExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.DescribeCommand
Sets the exception handler for this command.
setResultSetExtractor(ResultSetExtractor) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.ShowTablesCommand
Sets the result set extractor for this command.
setResultSetExtractor(ResultSetExtractor) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.SelectCommand
Sets the result set extractor for this command.
setResultSetExtractor(ResultSetExtractor) - Method in interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.ResultSetExtractingCommand
Sets the result set extractor for this command.
setResultSetExtractor(ResultSetExtractor) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.DescribeCommand
Sets the result set extractor for this command.
setRowcountHandler(UpdateRowcountHandler) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.UpdateCommand
Sets the update rowcount handler for this command.
setRowcountHandler(UpdateRowcountHandler) - Method in interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.RowcountHandlingCommand
Sets the update rowcount handler for this command.
setTableName(String) - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.DescribeCommand
Sets the name of the table that will be described by this command.
ShowTablesCommand - class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.ShowTablesCommand.
Performs a show tables command and handles the results.
ShowTablesCommand() - Constructor for class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.ShowTablesCommand
Constructs a new instance of ShowTablesCommand.
SqlCli - class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.SqlCli.
Main program for the SqlCli command line interface.
SqlCli() - Constructor for class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.SqlCli
Constructs a new instance of SqlCli.
streamIterator() - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.BasicPrintStreamed
Returns an iterator of this object's print streams.


TABLE_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.DescribeCommand


UpdateCommand - class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.UpdateCommand.
Performs a non-SELECT SQL command and handles the resulting rowcount.
UpdateCommand() - Constructor for class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.UpdateCommand
Constructs a new instance of UpdateCommand.
UpdateRowcountHandler - interface com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.UpdateRowcountHandler.
Defines operations for handling the rowcount from a non-SELECT SQL command.


writeFooter() - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedShowTablesResultSetExtractor
Writes the footer to the print streams.
writeHeader() - Method in class com.mungoknotwise.sqlcli.PrintStreamedShowTablesResultSetExtractor
Writes the header to the print streams.


Copyright © 2004 Steven Caswell. All Rights Reserved.